What will your next decade hold?

I am seeing a TON of hype right now about the end of the decade. But I’m not great with endings. They can be messy, and you can’t change the end of things. Personal or business. Beginnings are…


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3 ways to be more ATTRACTIVE in groups

This isn’t a guide about being cocky, not even about being the leader of the group.

This is about charismatic mannerism and how you can develop a subtle independence within the group.

I am showing you how to play your cards well, in order to elegantly stand out and be remembered by all of those that you interact with.


Have you ever wondered what would happen if you truly listened to all the stories being told during social gatherings? And when I say listen, I mean ACTIVELY LISTEN.

I know you are exhausted of active listening, because everyone told you about how complex and tiring the phenomenon can get. But let me tell you a secret, something no one told you before: active listening is easy.

These are the only two things to do to master it:

1)Look at the person dead in the eye when they get passionate about the subject; this happens for maximum 15 seconds.

2)Repeat their own words as exclamations about the story they are telling.


Bonus: try to stick around till the end of the story, it shows respect. People will remember that in the long run.

Laugh at all the jokes, but especially the bad ones.

Through methods of conversation and discourse analysis, studies show that contrary to notions that it is spontaneous and involuntary, laughter is actually sequentially organized and precisely placed relative to surrounding talk.

This is evidence that if you provoke your mind to believe that a “surrounding talk” which we assume to be including bad jokes, is funny, then you can start laughing naturally in seconds. Wouldn’t it be interesting to try a few times and see how your body adapts?

Far more than merely a response to humor, laughter often works to manage delicate and serious moments. More than simply an external behavior “caused” by an inner state, laughter is highly communicative and helps accomplish actions and regulate relationships.

Form a unique understanding between you and the person making the jokes. Don’t think for a second that you are leveling down or that you will seem too stupid to realise that the jokes are bad. Your purpose, within the group, is not to stand out by being the sassiest, smartest or most arrogant.

Your purpose is to effectively validate the people around you, through all social means. People don’t remember you, they remember how you made them feel. And they need to feel a sincere connection with you.

Have the courage to laugh, even if no one else is laughing!

Is it hard to be happy? It’s different for everyone.

Find reasons to smile; find reasons to laugh; find reasons to enjoy yourself and the moments that you experience everyday. Better and worse days will happen no matter what. Choose to be happy today. Choose to be self-suficient. Learn not to depend your most important weapon- happiness- on exterior factors.

Well, there aren’t many other things to say about happiness. We all know that it’s contagious.

Keep this in your mind: People don’t remember you, they remember how you made them feel.

Wish you all the best!


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